Clients & Collaborators
* Jam Design & Communication Brand agency
* London Remade Sustainable Consultants
* Clear Ideas Creative agency
* Wand Advertising agency
* Golly Slater Advertising agency
* Joanna Heygate Publisher
* Portico Books/ Anova Books Publisher
* Omnibus Press Publisher
* People Band Musicians
* Deborah Carew Musician
* Rosey Chan Musician
* Hannah Holland Musican/DJ
* Carnet de Voyage Musicians
* Arlen Figgis Composer/Producer
* Andrew Aitchison Photographer
* Roger Hutchings Photographer
* State of Bliss - UK Suspension team
* The Flower Laboratory Botanical agency
* Mike Figgis Film Maker
* Vito Di Rosa Producer
* Science Photo Library Picture library
* Proud Galleries Photo Gallery
* The Impression Magazine.
* Harpers Bazaar Magazine
* Francesca Laranga Fashion
* Kate Orr model
* Syn Ariad
* David Shillinglaw Artist
* Kirsten Everberg Artist
* Hilde Madame Artist
* Lydia Darling Performer
* Sumi Sumatra Performer